Site Policy


In principle, the copyrights of text and images published on this website belong to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. However, some of the images are copyrighted by the original author. It may not be reproduced or repurposed without permission, except as permitted by copyright law.

Technical aspect
Recommended Environment

We recommend the following browsers for a safer and more comfortable use.
・The latest version of Google Chrome
・Mozilla Firefox latest version
・The latest version of Safari
・Microsoft Edge latest version

Recommended Environment

Cookies are used on this website for purposes such as understanding usage and obtaining information to improve the site. Cookies are the function that stores information on your computer that you have visited this website. The information collected through cookies does not contain any information that can personally identify users. Users can also opt out of receiving cookies depending on their browser settings. For information on setting up your browser, contact the software's service center or the developer.

We use JavaScript in some of our content for a better experience. If JavaScript is not turned on (enabled) in your browser settings, it may not be displayed or operated correctly.

This site uses SSL-encrypted communication to improve security. Users can automatically encrypt personal information and send and receive it by using a security-enabled web browser. The page may not be available due to firewall settings.

For information on social networking services such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, please refer to the terms and conditions of each site.

To view PDF files, Adobe Acrobat Reader from Adobe Systems is required. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed or if the contents of the home page are not displayed correctly, download the latest version before viewing.

【Excel, Word】
Some attachments are available in Microsoft Excel and Word formats on this website. Microsoft Excel and Word are required to view the relevant attachments.

Legal matters

Information on this website has been posted to the best of our ability, but we do not guarantee its completeness or accuracy. It is also subject to change or deletion without notice. We assume no responsibility for any loss incurred directly or indirectly by using the information or content contained on this site.

Prohibited matters

The following activities are prohibited when using this website.

Acts that impede the operation of this site.

Acts that cause or are likely to cause nuisance, disadvantage or privacy damage to other users, third parties or DTT.

Act that contrary to public order or morals or is likely to be so.

Acts that violate a law, statute or ordinance.

Other actions deemed inappropriate by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

Changes to the Terms

The contents of this site policy are subject to change or deletion without notice.

Courts of law and jurisdiction

The use of this site and site policy shall be governed by the laws of Japan unless otherwise specified. In addition, the Tokyo District Court shall be the court of exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance for all disputes related to the use of this website.