
Promoter Sponsored Event #1 ~ Round-table for Parents ~


Promoter Sponsored Event #1
~ Round-table for Parents ~


Saturday, January 27, 2024

Target participants

Parents and guardians of children who are not good at school, and those who have concerns about raising children
*Parents and guardians who have some concerns about the future are encouraged to participate!

In the VLP project, we conduct online events with the aim of encouraging children to connect with others and gain an interest in the real world through various exchanges and experiences.
This time, we introduce an event sponsored by a promoter who has signed an agreement with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to support the construction and operation of the VLP space.


Mother of 5th and 2nd grade of elementary school children.
In April 2023, she published a real-life comic essay, "What You Taught Me About Not Going to School - Until My Son and I Shed the Armor of Not Going to School," about her son's decision not to go to school in May of the 1st grade. It was reprinted three days after its release and became a big topic.
This work, which affirms children as they are, has a light and friendly style that has gained sympathy from those involved, and has also been widely read in educational institutions.
It can also be viewed in the truancy support VLP conducted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education. Her books have been published in Forbes Japan, TBS and many other media, and she has appeared in them herself. Her comics are mainly posted on Instagram and blogs.

Please apply from the following URL:

If you have any questions, please contact us at:
Sponsor: Tokyo Metropolitan Government Virtual Learning Platform Project
Corporate Cooperator: Lenovo Japan LLC